Homework for University
of Illinois Chemistry 593, Advanced Professional Development
Monday, February 27 from 1-2:20PM Eastern
Here are a group of plots that have flaws. How would you fix the flaws to make a better plot?
Pick one, just one, of the following plots.
Make a single-slide PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) named with the following
convention: HOMEWORK_lastname_firstinitial.format.
Include the full name you like to be called in the file.
Fix the plot you select, make it better.
Embed an audio file no more than 60 seconds in length detailing what you
disliked about the original and how you fixed it into the PowerPoint file.
Send with subject line “UIUC Homework” to mark (at) mjphd(dot)net
Send before noon (EST) on Friday, February 24.
Sending your fixed plot and sound file gives me permission to use during the
Clicking on the plot will reveal the underlying data.
updated 5 February 2023