Design World Column

I started writing a column for Design World in January 2023. My column appears on the last page of the print or digital issue.

  Print Edition Date Column Link
  June 2024 The problem is not plastic, but us Design World | link | LinkedIn
  May 2024 Bigger is better, but more dangerous too Design World | link | LinkedIn
  April 2024 Particles in Water Design World | link | LinkedIn
  March 2024 Experimental vehicles Design World | link | LinkedIn
  February 2024 We still don't know everything about ice Design World | link | LinkedIn
  January 2024 Use AI — but with care Design World | text | LinkedIn
  December 2023 The long road to Lego sustainability Design World | text | LinkedIn
  November 2023 Mind Not Blown Design World | text | LinkedIn
  October 2023 We’re the reason vinyl chloride was on train 32N Design World | text | LinkedIn
  September 2023 What’s innovation without usefulness? Design World | text | LinkedIn
  August 2023 How to avoid a safety downfall Design World | text | LinkedIn
  July 2023 The pizza box problem — and why it might kill Teflon Design World | text | LinkedIn
  June 2023 Why didn’t I think of bubbles? Design World | text | LinkedIn
  May 2023 Why Units Are Important: why lack of common ESG units are an issue Design World | text | LinkedIn
  April 2023 Tuna but no Thimbleberries: why food miles aren't as helpful as you'd think Design World | text | LinkedIn
  March 2023 Time saved on energy consumed: I look at how much time my use of fossil fuel creates Design World  | text | LinkedIn
  February 2023 Smarter Rocks:  an examination of themal energy storage Design World | text | LinkedIn