Design World Column

I started writing a column for Design World in January 2023. My column appears on the last page of the print or digital issue.

  Print Edition Date Column Link
  August 2024 Rare-cases-of-technology-decline Design World | link | LinkedIn
  July 2024 Reflections on Flint Design World | link | LinkedIn
  June 2024 The problem is not plastic, but us Design World | link | LinkedIn
  May 2024 Bigger is better, but more dangerous too Design World | link | LinkedIn
  April 2024 Particles in Water Design World | link | LinkedIn
  March 2024 Experimental vehicles Design World | link | LinkedIn
  February 2024 We still don't know everything about ice Design World | link | LinkedIn
  January 2024 Use AI — but with care Design World | text | LinkedIn
  December 2023 The long road to Lego sustainability Design World | text | LinkedIn
  November 2023 Mind Not Blown Design World | text | LinkedIn
  October 2023 We’re the reason vinyl chloride was on train 32N Design World | text | LinkedIn
  September 2023 What’s innovation without usefulness? Design World | text | LinkedIn
  August 2023 How to avoid a safety downfall Design World | text | LinkedIn
  July 2023 The pizza box problem — and why it might kill Teflon Design World | text | LinkedIn
  June 2023 Why didn’t I think of bubbles? Design World | text | LinkedIn
  May 2023 Why Units Are Important: why lack of common ESG units are an issue Design World | text | LinkedIn
  April 2023 Tuna but no Thimbleberries: why food miles aren't as helpful as you'd think Design World | text | LinkedIn
  March 2023 Time saved on energy consumed: I look at how much time my use of fossil fuel creates Design World  | text | LinkedIn
  February 2023 Smarter Rocks:  an examination of themal energy storage Design World | text | LinkedIn